Attention to Retention | HR & the 2018 Labor Market
The age old saying goes something like “quitters never win.” In this labor market, though, it seems like quitters still end up ahead and HR

The 17-year Marathon
I stand now at the finish line of a 17-year marathon; actually, something of both a finish line and a starting gate. Read my thoughts on gra

MHASD Makes Way for Parent Pressure
A teacher was just placed on administrative leave due to parent pressure on the district over a "controversial" lesson plan and di

An Office is Like a Band
Much to my parents' chagrin, I started playing cello in 4th grade. Guitar in 5th. Saxophone in 6th. But I learned a handful of lessons t

My Fellow Americans
Voting is not a given, and neither is democracy. It must be fought for and defended. The least we can do is participate. Read more on Electi

I Don't Know, But I'll Find Out
Saying "I don't know" is better than pretending you do, only to realize you don't. Just make sure you find out the answer,

Building Corporate Currency
Your credibility, your word, and who you are as an employee can be summed into a metaphorical bank account. Work to keep it in the positive.

Does the Recruiter NEED to Know This?
The resume is the most important document any job seeker could have. It's essential to give the recruiter the highlights to land that in

Hitting the Pavement
It's not about what you know, it's about who you know. There's some truth to that--networking makes the corporate world start sp